UO Unchained: Magreal Mining Script (MINE FOR A LONG TIME)

Created: 10 days ago on 03/04/2025, 03:19:40 AMUpdated: 10 days ago on 03/04/2025, 03:29:44 AM
Note from JaseOwns:
Scripts will be leveraged on both UORazorscipts.com and this site. At the time of the launch (Feb 1st 2025), this isn't working right - but it will! Thanks for checking it out
FileType: Razor Script (Community Edition)
Size: 2392
Category: Harvesting
Skills: Mining
Hotkey: No hotkey provided
Tags: Mining,Harvesting,Gathering,Firebeetle,Pack Animal

Description: This script does the following:

- Mines ore until you are overweight

- Smelts ore into ingots one at a time. (Can be changed to smelt more at a time in line 20)

- Move ingots to a pack animal till you are under your minimum weight (Set in line 15)

This script allows you to mine for a long while without recalling your home. Basically, you can mine till your pack animal is full of ingots and gems.

## Mine, Smelt, Store Ingots. All in one Mining Bot. (Need Firebeetle and Pack Animal/Beetle) ## Snipped from a script by Jaseowns and modified my Magreal, Aka AAVRON ## ## ## SETUP: ## - Adjust weight on line 15 to about 50 stones more than your weight before mining ## - Use >info to get the target number of your fire beetle and update line 28 and Line 43 ## - Setup Organize Agent 15 with ingots and add all the gems you get from mining. Set your pack animal or beetle as your hot bag. ## - - You might have to mine for a bit to get all the different gems for the above agent. ## - Either carry a bunch of shoves or add your shovels to your house Resource Storage and pull one shovel with 2000 charges on it. ## - Optional - You can leave line 20 item # to 1 if you want to move and smelt just 1 ore at a time or increase to mine faster but will get fewer colored ingots. (default set to 1) if weight > maxweight while weight > 150 if findtype 6585 backpack as item getlabel item desc overhead desc lift item 1 drop backpack 0 0 0 wait 650 getlabel item desc overhead desc dclick item wft 500 # Forge 4017 target 0xD60B wait 500 endif if findtype 6584 backpack as item getlabel item desc overhead desc lift item 1 drop backpack 0 0 0 wait 650 getlabel item desc overhead desc dclick item wft 500 # Forge 4017 target 0xD60B wait 500 endif organizer 15 endwhile endif dclicktype '3897' waitfortarget hotkey 'Target Self' wait 2000 loop
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