Created: 21 days ago on 02/21/2025, 02:01:44 AM
Note from JaseOwns:
Scripts will be leveraged on both and this site. At the time of the launch (Feb 1st 2025), this isn't working right - but it will! Thanks for checking it out
FileType: Razor Script (Community Edition)
Size: 1856
Category: Organizer
Skills: No skills provided
Tags: organizer,bank,newb,control shift o
Description: We made this on stream to put away items at the bank. You can add more items to the list, right now it does gems and gold. If you want to restock supplies, setup a restock agent 1 and remove the comments from the code at the bottom (remove #)
# Put away at bank by Jaseowns
# UO Unchained
if not varexist bankVaultBag
overhead "we need to set it bro" 89
setvar bankVaultBag
removelist jaseowns_PutAwayLootList
if not listexists jaseowns_PutAwayLootList
createlist jaseowns_PutAwayLootList
# Gold
pushlist jaseowns_PutAwayLootList 3821
# Gems
pushlist jaseowns_PutAwayLootList 3862
pushlist jaseowns_PutAwayLootList 3856
pushlist jaseowns_PutAwayLootList 3878
pushlist jaseowns_PutAwayLootList 3859
pushlist jaseowns_PutAwayLootList 3861
pushlist jaseowns_PutAwayLootList 3857
pushlist jaseowns_PutAwayLootList 3855
pushlist jaseowns_PutAwayLootList 3864
pushlist jaseowns_PutAwayLootList 3877
say "Bank"
wait 100
dclicktype "dagger" backpack
wft 500
target bankVaultBag
getlabel backpack jaseowns_PingCheck
if insysmsg "You can't use a bladed item on that."
overhead "We found our bag bro!" 89
dclick bankVaultBag
wait 650
foreach jaseowns_PutAwayLootIndex in jaseowns_PutAwayLootList
while findtype jaseowns_PutAwayLootIndex backpack as jaseowns_PutAwayItem
lift jaseowns_PutAwayItem 60000
drop bankVaultBag -1 -1 -1
wait 650
# You would use Agent Restock 1 and setup what you want to pull out
#restock 1
#wft 500
#target bankVaultBag