UO Unchained: Donate to Guild Treasury Automatically

Created: 22 days ago on 02/20/2025, 02:32:53 AM
Note from JaseOwns:
Scripts will be leveraged on both UORazorscipts.com and this site. At the time of the launch (Feb 1st 2025), this isn't working right - but it will! Thanks for checking it out
FileType: Razor Script (Community Edition)
Size: 1644
Category: Utility
Skills: No skills provided
Hotkey: 2
Tags: utility,guild

Description: This will automatically pull up the cursor for guild treasury - if you add items to the list it can auto select them. We did this on stream.

# Donate to Guild Treasury Automatically by Jaseowns # UO Unchained # Add items to the list to auto donate using >info removelist jaseowns_LootToDonate createlist jaseowns_LootToDonate #pushlist jaseowns_LootToDonate "gold coin" #pushlist jaseowns_LootToDonate "cut up leather" clearignore say '[guild' waitforgump 516474935 500 gumpresponse 15 516474935 waitforgump 516474935 500 gumpresponse 100 1478311224 waitfortarget 500 if insysmsg "Target the resources your wish to add to your guild treasury." if listexists jaseowns_LootToDonate foreach jaseowns_DonateItem in jaseowns_LootToDonate while findtype jaseowns_DonateItem backpack as jaseowns_DonateThisItem getlabel jaseowns_DonateThisItem jaseowns_DonateThisItemDesc sysmsg "Running on {{jaseowns_DonateThisItemDesc}}" if targetexists target jaseowns_DonateThisItem getlabel backpack jaseowns_PingCheck endif if not targetexists waitforgump 516474935 500 gumpresponse 100 1478311224 waitfortarget 500 endif endwhile endfor endif endif
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