UOG Demise

Established: 09/01/2004
Website: https://www.uogdemise.com/
Demise began its life in September '04 and, as part of the UOGamers family, quickly grew to a popular shard. Formerly the flagship development shard of the RunUO Software Team, last released publicly in 2013, it has since undergone a paradigm shift exceeding all expectations as a standalone shard. Over the years, Demise has built one of the strongest, most supportive gameplay communities, alongside an unparalleled level of reliability and uptime. With so much love and fondness for Demise, from both players and the staff team, the future looks bright! Demise strives to retain the core gameplay of a Mondain's Legacy era shard, with a few added extras. Come and explore the endless possibilities, from dungeon Doom to crafting to PvP to Peerless and much more! Join our community to keep up with the latest news, make new friends and you will no doubt feel right at home. With an established staff team and year-round events, entertainment is guaranteed!

UOG Demise Fan Sites (coming soon)

UOG Demise Skill List (0)

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Disclaimer: This is a fan made site and is not directly associated with Ultima Online or UO staff.