UO Unchained: Train Healing To 100

Created: 9 days ago on 03/05/2025, 10:05:17 PMUpdated: 9 days ago on 03/05/2025, 10:06:38 PM
Note from JaseOwns:
Scripts will be leveraged on both UORazorscipts.com and this site. At the time of the launch (Feb 1st 2025), this isn't working right - but it will! Thanks for checking it out
FileType: No file type provided
Size: 836
Category: No category provided
Skills: Healing
Hotkey: No hotkey provided
Tags: training,healing

No description provided

# Go to the Britain Docks, near the shallow water and the dolphin. # Stand on the dock next to the rope ladder(1445,1761,-2). The rope ladder lets you out of the water, but not into it(and does NON-lethal damage). # Rope ladder damage cannot kill you. # Bring ~1000 bandages. It ususally takes me ~680 bandages to GM from 50.0 Healing while skill "Healing" < 100 if findtype "clean bandage%s%" backpack as bandages walk 'East, Running' walk 'East, Running' walk 'East, Running' walk 'East, Running' walk 'East, Running' walk 'East, Running' dclick bandages waitfortarget target 'self' wait 5500 endif endwhile
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