Created: 11 days ago on 03/03/2025, 01:42:37 PMUpdated: 11 days ago on 03/03/2025, 01:46:21 PM
Note from JaseOwns:
Scripts will be leveraged on both and this site. At the time of the launch (Feb 1st 2025), this isn't working right - but it will! Thanks for checking it out
FileType: Razor Enhanced (PHP)
Size: 6872
Category: Gathering
Skills: Mining
Hotkey: No hotkey provided
Tags: No tags provided
Description: UO Unchained
Mining Script which :
- uses shovels
- tinkers 3 shovels in case none is found in backpack
- mines one single spot until no metal left to mine
- smelts ore on firebeetle
- transfers ingots (and found jewels and stuff) from backpack to pack animal
- notifies you of the actual weight of stuff inside the pack animal
ATTENTION: You must have your shovels and your tinker tools in your characters main backpack
Things to do in future:
- check for tinker tools => if just one is remaining, get iron ingots
from pack animal and craft 2 more tinker tools
# UO Unchained
# Mining Script which :
# - uses shovels
# - tinkers 3 shovels in case none is found in backpack
# - mines one single spot until no metal left to mine
# - smelts ore on firebeetle
# - transfers ingots (and found jewels and stuff) from backpack to pack animal
# - notifies you of the actual weight of stuff inside the pack animal
# ATTENTION: You must have your shovels and your tinker tools in your characters main backpack
# Things to do in future:
# - check for tinker tools => if just one is remaining, get iron ingots
# from pack animal and craft 2 more tinker tools
# Setting the serials for your actually used animals (pack animal and fire beetle)
# Variable is set as a shared value, so if you restart the script during same mining session
# you do not have to select your animals again everytime
if Misc.CheckSharedValue("firebeetle"):
localfirebeetle = Misc.ReadSharedValue("firebeetle")
localfirebeetle = Target.PromptTarget('Target your fire beetle:')
Misc.SetSharedValue("firebeetle", localfirebeetle)
if Misc.CheckSharedValue("packbeetle"):
localpackbeetle = Misc.ReadSharedValue("packbeetle")
localpackbeetle = Target.PromptTarget('Target your pack animal:')
Misc.SetSharedValue("packbeetle", localpackbeetle)
# short pause and then setting the variable for the pack animals backpack
beetlepack = Mobiles.FindBySerial(localpackbeetle).Backpack
# I have set the weightlimit slightly higher than what it actually is
# see what weightlimit suits you best
# you could set as well weightlimit = Player.MaxWeight
weightlimit = (Player.MaxWeight + 20)
# setting the variables for Tinkers Tools and Shovels
var_tinkertools = 0x1EB8
var_shovel = 0x0F39
var_ingot = 0x1BF2
# Jessies stuff to transfer from Player backpack to pack animal
juff = [0x1BF2,0x0EED,0x3193,0x3194,0x3195,0x0F10,0x0F28,0x3195,0x318F,0x0F80,0x3194,0x3195,0x3196,0x3197,0x0F16,0x3199,0x0F10,0x3190,0x2F5F,0x318F,0x0F10,0x0F0F,0x0F13,0x3193,0x0F18,0x3192,0x3191,0x3198,0x0F25,0x0F26,0x0F11,0x0F15]
# opening the backpack of our pack animal to see the contents
Misc.WaitForContext(localpackbeetle, 10000)
Misc.ContextReply(localpackbeetle, 8)
# starting our mining circle
while not Journal.SearchByName( 'There is no metal here to mine.', 'System' ):
if Items.BackpackCount(var_shovel, -1) > 0:
shovel = Items.FindByID(var_shovel, -1, Player.Backpack.Serial)
Target.TargetResource(shovel.Serial, "ore")
shovel = Items.FindByID(var_shovel, -1, Player.Backpack.Serial)
Player.HeadMessage(88,"No more shovels in backpack...making 3 now")
# get 100 iron ingots from pack animal
Misc.WaitForContext(localpackbeetle, 10000)
Misc.ContextReply(localpackbeetle, 8)
beetle = Mobiles.FindBySerial(localpackbeetle)
iron_ingot = Items.FindByID( var_ingot, 0x0000, beetle.Backpack.Serial )
# make 3 shovels
shovel = Items.FindByID(var_shovel, -1, Player.Backpack.Serial)
while Items.BackpackCount(var_shovel, -1) < 3:
Items.UseItemByID(var_tinkertools, -1)
Misc.Pause( 650 )
Gumps.SendAction(0x38920abd, 72)
Gumps.SendAction(0x38920abd, 0)
shovel = Items.FindByID(var_shovel, -1, Player.Backpack.Serial)
# weight check after every dig...both ingame and reallife ;)
# when the set weightlimit is reached, stuff gets moved to the pack animal
if Player.Weight >= weightlimit:
# smelt the ores on firebeetle
types = [0x19B9,0x19B8,0x19BA,0x19B7]
Player.HeadMessage( 44,"Smelting!")
for t in Items.FindBySerial(Player.Backpack.Serial).Contains:
if t.ItemID in types:
Target.TargetExecute( localfirebeetle )
Misc.Pause( 650 )
# move ingots, jewels and such stuff to pack animal
Player.HeadMessage( 44,"Moving stuff to pack animal")
for t in Items.FindBySerial(Player.Backpack.Serial).Contains:
if t.ItemID in juff:
Items.Move( t, localpackbeetle, 0 )
Misc.Pause( 800 )
# now tell me the actual weight of the stuff inside the pack animal
beetleweight = Mobiles.GetPropValue(localpackbeetle, "Weight")
Player.HeadMessage(55, "Your pack animal carries: {0}".format(beetleweight))
# Tell the player when there is no metal left to mine
# and have him move his char manually to another spot
Player.HeadMessage(88, "Move on...this spot is sucked dry !")