UO Unchained: Magery Trainer 50-GM

Created: 12 days ago on 03/02/2025, 07:28:38 PM
Note from JaseOwns:
Scripts will be leveraged on both UORazorscipts.com and this site. At the time of the launch (Feb 1st 2025), this isn't working right - but it will! Thanks for checking it out
FileType: Razor Script (Community Edition)
Size: 1532
Category: Magery
Skills: Magery
Hotkey: No hotkey provided
Tags: No tags provided

No description provided

#Start with full spell book #Start at mage shop north in brit the main mage shop in OSI #Have at least Gheal, invisibility, and Earth Elemental. if skill 'magery' < 60 and mana < 11 useskill "meditation" while mana < maxmana endwhile pause 600 elseif skill 'magery' < 100 and mana < 50 useskill "meditation" while mana < maxmana endwhile pause 600 endif //training if skill 'magery' < 50 cast "greater heal" waitfortarget 15000 target self pause 1000 elseif skill 'magery' < 75 cast "invisibility" waitfortarget 15000 target self pause 1000 elseif skill 'magery' >= 75 and skill 'magery' < 100 and mana >= 50 cast 'Earth Elemental' pause 5500 if followers >= 2 say 'an earth elemental release' pause 500 endif elseif skill 'magery' == 100 msg "Magery leveling complete!" stop endif #Must have buy agent setup in razor #Buy 100 of each reg is what i did #Get mage vendors serial id's #>info #vendor named Dulcie menu 0x2E64 1 wait 650 #vendor named Callidora menu 0x2322 1 wait 650 #vendor named Jerome menu 0x2E67 1 wait 650 loop
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