UO Felucca: Recall Mining

Created: 13 days ago on 03/01/2025, 04:50:14 PMUpdated: 13 days ago on 03/01/2025, 04:52:13 PM
Note from JaseOwns:
Scripts will be leveraged on both UORazorscipts.com and this site. At the time of the launch (Feb 1st 2025), this isn't working right - but it will! Thanks for checking it out
FileType: No file type provided
Size: 18568
Category: No category provided
Skills: mining, magery
Hotkey: No hotkey provided
Tags: No tags provided

Description: Must have mining and magery to use

Uses 1 or 2 beetles and a fire beetle,

a drop box

home runebook home set to first rune (this is drop off location)

Organizers to beetles and drop off container

Restock from beetle when empty and restock from drop off box

currently set to 7 books +Home book

Uses pickaxe.

Also uses regs for recalling.

#Writen by Kerrigon for custom shards #When starting this script you need 1 pickaxe in your backpack. 2 pack beetles 1 fire beetle. Setup your runebooks. #in beetle 1 you need 2 bags. 1 for ingots and 1 for extra pickaxes. once you run out the script will make 10 everytime you go home. #in beetle 2 you need 1 back. leftover ore and regs will go here #in your home box. you need iron ingots and bag full of tinker tools (atleast 100) # it is recomended that you run this script with an ancient miners pickaxe so you dont have to make pickaxes Player.ChatSay(45, "All Follow Me") import sys import time # this script uses organizers and restock #ingots -add ingot change color to -1 for all #ingots2 -add ingot and the small ore itemid 0x19B7 change color to -1 for all #ingots3 -add iron ingot set amount 100 #pickaxe -add pickaxe set amount 1 #tinker -add a tinker tool kit itemid 0x1EB8 not the tinker tools. set amount 1 #restock agents #regs -add black pearl blood moss and mandrake root. set amount 100 #regs2 - this is to get you back home. to reload up. set amount to 1 but up to 10 ### for the regs you only need black pearl, Mandrake root, and sulfuric ash. but feel free to use them all # Script for Razor Enhanced. everything in this section needs to be personalized fire_beetle_serial = 0x000050CC # Fire Beetle Serial Number # in your first beetle you need 2 bags 1 for ingots 1 for axes sbeetle1= 0x000034A1 # storage beetle Serial #sbeetle2= 0x00014253 # 2nd storage beetle Serial playerbag= 0x401A6480 # your backpack Serial beetlebag1= 0x400E6F09 # storage bag on beetle 1 beetlebag12= 0x400E6F0A # pickaxe bag on beetle 1 #beetlebag2= 0x40276959 # storage back on beetle 2 # This rune needs to be infront of your box to restock with at home. and drop off your ingots. homebook= 0x400D50A3 # runebook for recalling home This uses recalls assuming you are out of regs. Your first rune in the book needs to be the home rune homebox= 0x40114710 # this is the box at home to restock and drop off ingots also Needed to make more axes if you dont have rare mining axe hometoolbag = 0x400830E1 #keep extra tinker tools in here.. You are going to need alot Just fill the bag with atleast 100 tinkertool_id= 0x1EB8 # tinker tool id #Your Rune Book Serials rune_book_ids = [0x402A48F2, 0x400D5B91, 0x40253EDE, 0x402A48A6, 0x402A48F7, 0x400D5D40, 0x400D5CB0 ] #[ 0x4035BF0F, 0x40087ACF, 0x40087A14, 0x4035C044, 0x40109196, ] #everything in this section does not need to be touched tinkertool_id= 0x1EB8 ore_ids = [0x19B7, 0x19B9, 0x19BA, 0x19B8] # Ore item IDs cave_floor_id = 0x053B # Cave Floor item ID pickaxe_id = 0x0E86 # Pickaxe item ID The Scipt can Restock. But also Prefers to have the Rare Miners Pickaxe so you dont have to restock or make axes. # Gump actions for all locations (assuming each rune book has 16 locations) gump_action_ids = [ 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, ] # Index to keep track of the current recall location current_location_index = 0 # Function to restock pickaxe def restock_pickaxe(): # Run the restock agent (replace "pickaxes" with your actual restock agent name) Misc.WaitForContext(sbeetle1, 10000) Misc.ContextReply(sbeetle1, 12) Misc.Pause(2000) Restock.RunOnce("pickaxes", beetlebag12, playerbag, 300) Misc.Pause(2000) # Function to find the closest cave floor tile def find_closest_cave_floor(): cave_floors = Items.FindAllByID(cave_floor_id, -1, -1, -1) closest_tile = None closest_distance = float('inf') for tile in cave_floors: distance = Misc.Distance(Player.Position.X, Player.Position.Y, tile.Position.X, tile.Position.Y) if distance < closest_distance: closest_distance = distance closest_tile = tile return closest_tile def tinker(): Misc.SendMessage("Grabbing ingots...", 44) # Announce grabbing ingots Organizer.RunOnce("ingots3", homebox, playerbag, 300) Misc.Pause(2000) tinkertool = Items.FindByID(tinkertool_id, -1, playerbag) # Check for tinkertool in player backpack if not tinkertool: Misc.SendMessage("No tinkertool found, restocking...", 44) Organizer.RunOnce("tinker", hometoolbag, playerbag, 2000) Misc.Pause(2000) tinkertool = Items.FindByID(tinkertool_id, -1, playerbag) # Re-check for tinkertool after restocking if not tinkertool: Misc.SendMessage("Failed to restock tinkertool. Stopping script.", 33) sys.exit() # Stop the script if no tinkertool is found try: Items.UseItemByID(tinkertool_id) # Use tinker tool by item ID if Gumps.WaitForGump(0xa5a7df43, 10000): Gumps.SendAction(0xa5a7df43, 114) # Perform initial gump action to create the first pickaxe Misc.Pause(2000) # Pause to allow action to complete for the first pickaxe else: raise Exception("Failed to use tinkertool gump.") for _ in range(9): # Run the following gump action 9 times Gumps.SendAction(0xa5a7df43, 21) # Perform response action 21 to create additional pickaxes Misc.Pause(2000) # Pause to allow action to complete for each pickaxe except Exception as e: Misc.SendMessage(f"Error: {e}", 33) return Gumps.SendAction(0xa5a7df43, 0) Organizer.RunOnce("pickaxe", playerbag, beetlebag12, 300) Misc.Pause(3000) # Pause for 3 seconds Organizer.RunOnce("tinker", playerbag, hometoolbag, 300) Misc.Pause(2000) # Pause for 3 seconds # Return home to make axes and drop off ingots def home(): Gumps.SendAction(0x59, 0) Misc.SendMessage("Returning home to restock and drop off ingots...", 44) Items.UseItem(homebook) # Use the runebook for recalling home if Gumps.WaitForGump(0x59, 10000): Gumps.SendAction(0x59, 50) # Perform the gump action to recall home Misc.Pause(3000) # Allow time for recall to complete Gumps.SendAction(0x59, 0) Misc.SendMessage("Opening boxes and beetles, dropping off ingots...", 44) Items.UseItem(homebox) # Use the box at home to restock and drop off ingots Misc.Pause(1000) Organizer.RunOnce("ingots2", playerbag, homebox, 300) Misc.Pause(3000) # Pause for 2 seconds Restock.RunOnce("regs", homebox, playerbag, 300) Misc.Pause(4000) # Open sbeetle1 and organize ingots1 Misc.WaitForContext(sbeetle1, 10000) Misc.ContextReply(sbeetle1, 12) Misc.Pause(1000) Organizer.RunOnce("ingots2", beetlebag1, homebox, 300) Misc.Pause(4000) # Pause for 2 seconds Organizer.RunOnce("ingots2", beetlebag1, homebox, 300) Misc.Pause(4000) # Pause for 2 seconds Restock.RunOnce("regs2", homebox, beetlebag12, 300) Misc.Pause(2000) Restock.RunOnce("regs2", homebox, beetlebag12, 300) Misc.Pause(3000) # Open sbeetle2 and organize ingots1 # Misc.WaitForContext(sbeetle2, 10000) # Misc.ContextReply(sbeetle2, 12) # Misc.Pause(1000) # Organizer.RunOnce("ingots2", beetlebag2, homebox, 300) # Misc.Pause(4000) # Pause for 2 seconds # Organizer.RunOnce("ingots2", beetlebag2, homebox, 300) # Misc.Pause(4000) # Pause for 2 seconds # Check for pickaxe in player backpack pickaxe = Items.FindByID(pickaxe_id, -1, Player.Backpack.Serial) if pickaxe: Misc.SendMessage("Pickaxe found, returning to mining", 44) recall_to_next_location() # Proceed to the next mining location else: Misc.SendMessage("No pickaxe found, crafting new pickaxes", 33) tinker() # Craft pickaxes if none found in backpack else: Misc.SendMessage("Failed to open the gump for the home rune.", 33) # Function to find and use pickaxe def use_pickaxe(): pickaxe = Items.FindByID(pickaxe_id, -1, Player.Backpack.Serial) if not pickaxe: restock_pickaxe() # Restock from beetlebag12 if no pickaxes are found pickaxe = Items.FindByID(pickaxe_id, -1, Player.Backpack.Serial) if not pickaxe: Misc.SendMessage("No pickaxe found even after restock. Returning home...", 33) home() # Execute home() if no pickaxes are found even after restocking return Target.Cancel() # Cancel waiting for target to ensure it's clear before mining Journal.Clear() # Clear the journal before mining Items.UseItem(pickaxe) Target.WaitForTarget(150) # Find the closest cave floor cave_floor = find_closest_cave_floor() if cave_floor and Misc.Distance(Player.Position.X, Player.Position.Y, cave_floor.Position.X, cave_floor.Position.Y) <= 1: Target.TargetExecute(cave_floor.Serial) Misc.Pause(1000) else: # Target the ground in front of the player if no cave floor found Target.TargetResource(pickaxe,0) Misc.Pause(1000) # Check for system message if (Journal.SearchByType("There is no metal here to mine", "System") or Journal.SearchByType('Target cannot be seen', 'System')): recall_to_next_location() # Function to check if rune books are present def check_rune_books(): for rune_book_id in rune_book_ids: rune_book = Items.FindBySerial(rune_book_id) if not rune_book: Misc.SendMessage(f"Rune book {rune_book_id:X} not found! Please ensure all rune books are in your backpack.", 33) return False return True # Updated recall function that checks for rune books def recall_to_next_location(): global current_location_index if not check_rune_books(): return # If any rune book is missing, stop further execution if current_location_index < len(gump_action_ids): rune_book_id = rune_book_ids[current_location_index // 16] # 16 locations per rune book gump_action_id = gump_action_ids[current_location_index] Items.UseItem(rune_book_id) # Use the appropriate rune book if Gumps.WaitForGump(0x59, 10000): Gumps.SendAction(0x59, gump_action_id) Gumps.CloseGump(0xfc2a) # Ensure the gump is closed after recalling Misc.Pause(5000) # Pause for 5 seconds to allow recall to complete current_location_index += 1 Gumps.SendAction(0x59, 0) else: Misc.SendMessage("Failed to open the gump for the rune book.", 33) else: Misc.SendMessage("All locations exhausted. Resetting to first location.", 33) current_location_index = 0 # Function to smelt ore def smelt_ore(): for _ in range(3): # Loop three times for ore_id in ore_ids: ores = Items.FindByID(ore_id, -1, Player.Backpack.Serial) if ores: if isinstance(ores, list): for ore in ores: Target.Cancel() # Cancel waiting for target to ensure it's clear before mining Items.UseItem(ore) Target.WaitForTarget(150) Target.TargetExecute(fire_beetle_serial) Misc.Pause(1000) else: # If ores is a single item Target.Cancel() # Cancel waiting for target to ensure it's clear before mining Items.UseItem(ores) Target.WaitForTarget(150) Target.TargetExecute(fire_beetle_serial) Misc.Pause(1000) # Run the Organizer after smelting Misc.WaitForContext(sbeetle1, 10000) Misc.ContextReply(sbeetle1, 12) Misc.Pause(1000) Organizer.RunOnce("ingots2", playerbag, beetlebag1, 300) Misc.Pause(3000) # Misc.WaitForContext(sbeetle2, 10000) # Misc.ContextReply(sbeetle2, 12) # Misc.Pause(1000) # Organizer.RunOnce("ingots2", playerbag, beetlebag2, 300) # Misc.Pause(3000) # Main function to execute the script def main(): while True: black_pearl = Items.FindByID(0x0F7A, -1, Player.Backpack.Serial) # Find Black Pearl in the backpack mandrake_root = Items.FindByID(0x0F86, -1, Player.Backpack.Serial) # Find Mandrake Root in the backpack blood_moss = Items.FindByID(0x0F7B, -1, Player.Backpack.Serial) # Find Blood Moss in the backpack if Player.Weight < 390 and black_pearl and mandrake_root and blood_moss: Misc.SendMessage(f"Player weight is {Player.Weight} and all reagents found, proceeding to mine", 33) use_pickaxe() # Call function to use pickaxe else: if Player.Weight >= 390: Misc.SendMessage(f"Player weight is {Player.Weight}, smelting ore", 33) smelt_ore() # Smelt ore if player weight is too high if not black_pearl or not mandrake_root or not blood_moss: Misc.SendMessage("One or more reagents not found, returning home", 33) Misc.WaitForContext(sbeetle1, 10000) # Wait for context for the beetle Misc.ContextReply(sbeetle1, 12) # Contextual reply to the beetle Misc.Pause(1000) Restock.RunOnce("regs2", beetlebag12, playerbag, 300) # Restock items Misc.Pause(2000) home() # Return home if one or more reagents not found Misc.Pause(2000) # Pause to allow time for any restocks if __name__ == "__main__": main()
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